Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Half Day Session

Here at the College of Southern Nevada for my first half-day session. As you can see from the picture of one, the CSN has devoted money to their technology. Many of the presenters and attendees of this conference are from community colleges, which seem to be at the forefront of technology. I'm thinking about why that might be the case. What do you think?

As I write this we are going around the room introducing ourselves. The instructor posted his agenda with the heading, "LET'S GET COZY." It sounds like our presenter, John Makevich, is more interested in strengthening lines of communication than he is in talking about technology, even though this session is titled, "The Classroom of the Future."


  1. Looks nice! Glad to see you are getting cozy. Good question about community colleges and technology. I have a few speculations on why community colleges might invest in technology. Two-year colleges are more teaching intensive than the traditional, research-based university setting. Maybe community colleges are more open to alternative modes of creating knowledge outside the traditional publish or perish model. Maybe this can be achieved through the alternative modes of learning that technology has to offer.

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  3. I think that community colleges are more grounded in technology because they seek a different audience base. In my opinion, community colleges are for two general types of people: those just starting out and those seeking career development. The workforce today has a strong centralization in technology. The community college invests in it because of the demand in the workforce. The students just starting out don't require the technology, but why not immerse them in it sooner? Those who seek some type of certification would need technology in their job.
